Hey, It’s Been a While!

So much has happened! I took Firefighter 1, thus the break in posts, and I've gotten quite a bit farther in project FLIER once I ditched Microchip (drama!).

Once I switched to a TI board things started moving very quickly. Things have not moved as quickly as I would like, mind you, but I do work full time plus and I can only do so much. Right now I have FLIER ported to the TI development board, I customized the provided driver to suit my needs, and I am working on interfacing the driver with Valve's Source game engine.

I am really enjoying this project. It is not often that I get to flex my object-oriented muscles, even though Java is the first programming language I formally learned in school. This is also the most involved project that I have ever developed in a Windows environment! Hooray! It's always good to keep your skills sharp!

The big reason I am posting today is to say, "Hey, I'm still here working on this!" I did join a Toastmaster's club earlier this year, and I have been getting good communication skill development there, BUT I still need to develop my writing style. So here I am again! Look forward to more posts as I get further along!


Soldering tiny things!


Fire in Video Games