Shelving a Prototype (Starskipper)

Shelving a prototype is hard. You spend all kinds of time on something, feel proud of it, and then...just put it away? But what about the awesome ideas? What about the kickass game this could become? What about all the time spent on making an amazing story and universe? These are all hard questions to grapple wit. The short answer to all of them is that I have other projects to work on and other passions to follow. My hobby work with Unity Engine has helped me to land a job at Unity itself, and that has opened more doors of opportunity than I realized it would. Time to move on from this prototype.

I'm proud of the smooth zero-g VR movement. I am proud of the procedural 3d level generation. I am proud of the story and lore that will hopefully be recycled in future work.

Thank you to all my lovely playtesters who helped me be a better designer, and thank you for enjoying the prototype at all of the meetups I have brought it to!


Unity Collider/Rigidbody Setups in XR


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